A fire whirl consists of a core—the part that is actually on fire—and
an invisible pocket of rotating air that feeds fresh oxygen to the
core. The core of a typical fire whirl is 1 to 3 feet (0.30 to 0.91 m)
wide and 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 m) tall. Under the right conditions,
large fire whirls, severalfirestorm tens of feet wide and more than 1,000 feet
(300 m) tall, can form. The temperature inside the core of a fire whirl
can reach up to 2,000 °F (1,090 °C)—hot enough to potentially reignite ashes
sucked up from the ground. Often, fire whirls are created when a
wildfire or creates its own wind, which can turn into a
spinning vortex of flame. A CLOSER LOOK:
Combustible, carbon-rich gases released by burning vegetation on the
ground are fuel for most fire whirls. When sucked up by a whirl of air,
this unburned gas travels up the core until it reaches a region where
there is enough fresh, heated oxygen to set it ablaze. This causes the
tall and skinny appearance of a fire whirl's core.

Fire whirls can last for an hour or more, and they cannot be extinguished directly.
In 1923, events
Kanto earthquake in Japan, triggering a firestorm that burned to
produce a tornado struck the town and a giant fire that killed 38,000
people in 15 minutes in the area Hifukusho-Ato in Tokyo. This event was considered the deadliest fire whirl on record.
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